
Woman's handbags, man's bags, shopping bags, man's briefcases, elegant and denim bags.

We specialize in designing and manufacturing bags made of canvas and denim combined with natural leather, as well as their vintage-style finishing by hand.

Thanks to many years of collaboration with trusted factories in China and India we may additionally offer to make bags from natural and synthetic materials in cooperation, which helps to reduce the price significantly.


We make belts from grain leather, split leather, bycast lether, plastics, cotton and synthetic tapes.

Casual belts are designed according to the latest trends in fashion or Client's instructions so that they match the remaining part of the collection. On request, belts are finished as "vintage" by hand with natural waxes.

Formal belts are made from top quality raw materials. We offer belts made by the traditional technique, so-called flat belts, as well as two- and three-layer "bombato belts.

Budget belts are characterized by a simple design and a buckle; they are produced in large quantities, which allows for getting a competitive price. Raw materials most frequently used for making budget belts is split leather or reconstituted leather.


On request we provide individually designed packagings, presentation boxes and labels.


Backpacks are made from synthetic materials, leather and canvas.


Like in case of bags, wallets are made from natural materials hand finished in various ways.

Thanks to many years of collaboration with trusted factories in China and India we may additionally offer to make wallets from natural and synthetic materials in cooperation, which helps to reduce the price significantly.

Small accessories

We offer an extensive range of small accessories, such as: keychains, jewellery, card holders, vanity cases, as well as cases for smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices.